The Latest Technology For The Elderly

The Internet Is Not Just For Young Folks, Anymore

It has long been common knowledge that teenagers typically are more quickly able to become proficient in using new technologies, as compared to their older counterparts. This does not mean however, that only young people are the only ones using these technologies. In fact, a recent study uncovered that nearly six of every ten seniors (individuals aged 65 years and older) are active on the Internet, with half of that group being broadband users. Within this group there are still two more groups. The first is made up of tech-savvy adults, often younger and more educated, while the second is made up of more elder adults, often plagued with physical and/or mental handicaps.

  • That same study (aforementioned) also uncovered that among college educated seniors, 87% use the Internet, and among seniors without college educations, just 40% use the Internet.

Sure, the former population may be expected to safely navigate online, however the latter population is very much at risk when they surf the web, especially when dealing with health conditions (such as a disability or disease, which makes full participation in common activities difficult) and/or skeptical attitudes towards developing new skills so late in life.

In What Ways Are Elderly People At Risk While Using The Internet To Connect With Loved Ones?

Online crooks live to prey on elderly and disabled people, because they often do not fully understand how the Internet operates, and how dangerous it can be. As a result, seniors are commonly manipulated into either purchasing unnecessary items, or even releasing sensitive or potentially dangerous information into the wrong anonymous hands.

  • It is important that these people remain feeling connected with the world around them, so it would undeniably be cruel to deny them of all technological means.

More often than not, their intention when adopting a piece of technology like a computer or phone is to adopt a way of contacting loved ones. Just consider this: 77% of all seniors (in America) use cellular devices regularly. The question must be asked then: how should elderly people remain in touch with the outside world (as well as the world of technology) without feeling at risk or intimidated by complex devices?

What Is The Latest Technology, Which Is Safe For Elderly People To Use?

While there currently is no version of the Internet simple enough to be considered free of risk, there are other technologies that seniors can use safely. For example, Big Button Mobile Phones provide seniors with a secure means to communicating with loved ones, and provides those loved ones with a secure means to checking up on their seniors, who may not have access to around-the-clock care. They even cater to visually impaired and audibly impaired individuals by offering large, backlit buttons, and enhanced speakers. These affordable devices mark an important milestone in the evolution of technology that is designed specifically to meet the needs of the elderly and disabled. Big Button Mobile Phones allow seniors to confidently feel in touch with the technological world, while also keeping them immune from operational accident or dangerous online robbery.

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